We take into consideration all aspects of your marital estate to propose the best possible solution regarding:

  • Distribution of personal property, vehicles, bank accounts and investment accounts, stocks and mileage plans
  • Division of marital debts and obligations including loans, taxes and credit cards
  • Confirmation of Separate Property acquired before and during marriage and after separation
  • Possession and sale of the family home and rental properties
  • Designation of business interests and partnerships
  • Transfer of community property interests in Retirement Plans, Pensions, Profit Sharing, Annuities and IRAs by QDRO
  • QDROS - We facilitate the preparation of Court orders to divide community property interest in retirement accounts. My office will shepherd the court order through the approval process with your Investment Plan Administrator, the court and your financial institution managing the account. This process can be tedious and convoluted; however, my office is particularly skilled to efficiently manage this process to the point of final transfer of funds to the receiving party.

Call the Law Office of Larry P. Sinclair at 916-783-3290 or contact us online to schedule an appointment.

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